My fond memories of Teresa

Created by Karen 5 days ago


I have such wonderful memories of Teresa from when I was young, and lived next door to her.
I would often go in, and spend hours with Teresa, in her room. She would put a record on the player, and we would listen to music, while she did her hair. 
I was always absolutely fascinated, watching her back comb her hair, and then spraying it all over with hair spray ( it usually made us cough! 😂 )
Teresa always did her hair, whether she was going out, or not. She always wanted to look her best.
Teresa would also take me out. I remember a group of us went to Bournemouth one evening, to go bowling.
We were travelling in a Morris Minor, with the most beautiful walnut dashboard.
On the way home, we stopped at Weymouth beach, and went for a midnight swim.
After Teresa married, we would quite often visit her father in law. 
( He had an artificial leg )
One time, we took him to Cricket St. Thomas.
We were all on the swings, and suddenly, his artificial leg came flying off!!
We were all falling about in hysterics 😂🤣 ( And he never did live that down! )
After Teresa had her first baby, I would often visit, and enjoy plenty of cuddles. Teresa loved being a mum.
Graham and I used to go and babysit too. We both have fond memories of  those times.
Sadly, I lost touch with Teresa, when I moved away.
I know Teresa was devastated, and never got over the loss of her mum, my Auntie Gladys.
Teresa doted on her family, and was their rock. She is so sadly missed.
Our love, thoughts, and prayers, are with Teresa's family.
Rest in peace Teresa   ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻